

We provide high-quality construction services to the energy, water and telecommunications markets.



Top Project can manage and hire subcontractors while acting as the main contact with construction clients.



Preconstruction involves performing preliminary planning and engineering in order to define the project.



Green building has a highly reduced effect on environment, and is used in almost every project of our company.

Transport Infrastructure

Transport Infrastructure

Top Project can manage and hire subcontractors while acting as the main contact with construction clients.

Water Infrastructure

Water Infrastructure

Preconstruction involves performing preliminary planning and engineering in order to define the project.

Project and financial Management

Project and financial Management

Green building has a highly reduced effect on environment, and is used in almost every project of our company.


ORTHO SERVICE is a research firm specializing in the field of assistance to businesses in major road works, construction of buildings, bridges, construction of hydroelectric dams and many other areas.Some of our activities include:

  • CAD Mounting
  • road and highway construction
  • Construction and rehabilitation of buildings
  • Construction and rehabilitation of Hydro electric dam
  • Office equipment and hardware supply
  • Personnel management for small, medium and large projects
  • The promotion of training in several sectors
  • Organization of B2B Meetings
  • Organization of business trips
  • Research partnerships
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